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Annual program for work for 2012

The Foundation realizes its goals by implementing program activities aimed at more responsible and transparent operation of municipalities, more active participation of citizens in support of local development, care for children and youth, training and informing citizens about their rights, developing and supporting civic initiatives and so on. To this end, the Focus Foundation will continue with regular and timely informing citizens, youth and representatives of the business community about the happenings in the community and organizing debates and discussions on issues of their interest.
The Foundation will organize various informative educational meetings, workshops, public debates and will use other forms to increase the awareness of the citizens (printing and distribution of informative brochures, setting up info bulletin boards, delivering daily lines and decisions from the sessions of the Council, ) and provide them with a more complete insight into the situation. It will continue to work in a transparent manner, with continuous media coverage of the activities and achieved results.
By involving the representatives of the municipal administration, the Council, the business community and the institutions in their activities, Focus will help bring the work of the local self-government closer to the citizens and thus help them to participate effectively in the local development and give their constructive community contribution. In addition to regular information and involvement of citizens in problem solving and decision-making important for their environments, Focus will also help develop specific initiatives of NGOs and local self-governments that will improve the quality of life, especially in smaller settlements and rural areas. The focus will also enable greater awareness and involvement of the representatives of the business community in monitoring public procurement procedures, which will enable their greater influence on the transparency of the units of local self-government, as well as achieving equal treatment and competitiveness.
Further strengthening of the capacities of the representatives of the local self-governments will be continued through regular informing about the developments in the local self-government and using the possibilities for providing funds for the implementation of their initiatives. Activities aimed at young people will enable them to understand their role in society and the community, to build positive values and to become useful citizens of society. Participating in debates on issues of their interest will help them learn to come up with solutions, and through the initiatives themselves to engage in concrete interventions and actions of benefit to the community. Focus will work on the implementation of the local youth action plan through which young people are expected in a more organized way to overcome the negative phenomena and problems they face and to lobby for their overcoming (unemployment, professional orientation, deviant behavior, saved physical calculations among high school students etc.) and to carry out youth information actions for increased youth participation. Focus will continue to promote philanthropy and volunteering and will offer different forms and opportunities for individuals, organizations, institutions and the business sector to engage and contribute to solving local problems. Focus will continue to act as an equal partner of the Green Coalition in achieving the goal of providing a healthy environment for Veles.
In the course of 2012, Focus will expand its activities in a larger number of municipalities, especially those from the Vardar Planning Region, but it will also work to further develop the cooperation and partnerships with other related non-governmental organizations.


1. Development, promotion and support of good governance practices
1.1 Increasing the participation of citizens in the decision-making and community development processes
1.2 Promoting transparent and accountable governance in municipalities and public institutions

2. Develop awareness of philanthropy
2.1 Promotion and strengthening of donor practices
2.2 Promotion and strengthening of corporate social responsibility
2.3 Promotion and development of volunteering

3. Institutional and program strengthening of the organization
3.1 Improve the quality of work
3.2 Strengthening human capacities and the image of the organization
3.3 Developing regional and international partnerships
4. Youth Program
4.1 Establish regular practices for informing and involving young people in creating local policies and decision-making in the community
4.2 Increasing youth awareness of opportunities for self-employment

The Foundation has implemented these goals through three program areas:

A. Good Governance Program,
B. Philanthropy Program.
C. Program for institutional development
D. Youth Program