Good Governance Program

  1. Development, promotion and support of good governance practices

Within this program, the Foundation will implement activities that will be directed towards promoting good municipal management and improving the quality of services that citizens receive from the ULSG, institutions and public enterprises. On the other hand, Focus will provide regular and timely information to the citizens and will provide their active participation in the development of the community through information, training, discussions, offering concrete solutions and their direct involvement in specific activities.

1.1 Increasing the participation of citizens in the decision-making and community development processes

Delivery of the agenda and materials for the scheduled meetings of the Council

In order to bring the work of the Council closer, the Foundation "Focus" in the municipalities in which it operates (Veles, Gradsko, Lozovo, Chashka and Rosoman) will continue to apply the established procedure for delivering the daily rows and materials for scheduled meetings of the Council (which proved to be very useful for the representatives of the local self-governments), the Foundation "Fokus" distributes the materials from the municipality regularly and in a timely manner to the presidents of all local communities in each of the five municipalities that exist in the concrete session a point of their interest.

Submission of Council decisions to the local communities

The Foundation, Focus, in the municipalities of Veles, Gradsko, Lozovo, Chashka and Rosoman will continue to inform the representatives of the local self-governments on the decisions taken by the Council from each held session. It turned out that the representatives of the local communities are interested in all the decisions taken and taken by the Council, and not only for those sessions on which the issues related to their local or urban community were decided, and they are more insistent to be contacted and informed. The presidents of the local self-governments will be obliged to attend meetings to inform the population that belongs to the specific local community about the agenda and decisions of the Council sessions, and to inform the necessary information on the information Assign boards.

Informing about ongoing public hearings

Focus, following the recommendations and requests of the representatives of the merged communities, will provide information to them and for every announced public hearing of the municipality on current issues. Practice has shown that citizens are not able to be informed about scheduled public hearings (especially those that do not follow local television stations where announcements about these events and especially citizens in settlements are published). For this purpose, Focus will inform them separately in order to ensure their participation in the decision-making on issues of their interest.

Organizing tribunes and debates on current issues in the community

In order for citizens to be informed about current topics and developments on local and national level, Focus will organize public events where citizens will have the opportunity to express their views, ask questions and offer their solutions. Focus will also organize meetings, round tables and similar events to be held the administration will contribute to the further improvement of the quality of services and will also promote the successful model in front of municipalities that have not established such practices and are interested in their introduction.

Monitoring the implementation of municipal programs and budgets

In addition to the continuous monitoring that will be legal with the holding of info-coordination meetings directly by the representatives of local self-governments, Focus will make initial monitoring of the adopted civic priorities and then, in cooperation with the municipal administration, will monitor their implementation. After the past 6 months and at the end of the year, for each municipality Focus will review the proposed, adopted and realized civic priorities.

Monitoring of public procurements

"Focus will also organize training for the representatives of the business community from the municipalities in the region in order to bring them closer to them the procedures and the total system of public procurements and thus to provide simplified access to information and a more realistic allocation of budget funds when hiring contractor or service provider.

Setting up info bulletin boards

In the course of 2012, Focus will provide information bulletin boards (in accordance with the needs of the participants in the info meetings) and in cooperation with the municipalities, will set them up in the local communities where there is no other way to inform the citizens (priority will be given to those locations which will be proposed at the joint coordination meetings).