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1 Developing Awareness of Philanthropy

Within this program, Focus will continue activities for promoting philanthropy and organizing events for mobilizing local resources. Focus will also encourage corporate social responsibility with local firms to increase community support.

1.1 Promotion and strengthening of donor practices

Promotion and maintenance of the Support Fund

Fokus will continue to raise funds in the Scholarship Fund of the most successful graduates from the municipalities in which it acts for enrollment in higher education in accordance with established criteria and in cooperation with secondary schools.

Focus will be continuously promoted by the Fund for Support of Local and National Media and on its web pages (www.focus.org.mk and www.fondfocus.mk), will publish its own and philanthropic activities conducted by other individuals, organizations and institutions and will transparently inform about the amount of funds collected and their purpose.

Organizing actions for marking significant dates

 In the course of 2012, Focus will mark all significant dates related to the child and overcoming poverty, will encourage philanthropy and volunteering as a way to help someone or the community.

The day and week of the child will be marked, the day for fight against poverty and hunger and the day of volunteering.

Organizing fund raising events

On its own or in cooperation with other organizations and firms, at its own initiative or at the initiative of interested individuals, organizations, institutions and firms, Focus will conduct fundraising events. At the initiative of other interested donors, Focus will help design and implement an event for fundraising or donation.

Awarding acknowledgments to the Fund's Supporters

Focus will organize an event to present symbolic recognitions for three individuals who donated to the Fund and have the highest individual donation throughout the year. Also, all companies and companies that will organize a fundraising event or directly donate will be awarded with acknowledgments for humanity.

1.2 Promotion and strengthening of corporate social responsibility

The focus will be on increasing the corporate social responsibility of local firms. Activities will be implemented that will encourage smaller local companies to contribute to the community.

Meetings with potential business sector donors

Focus will organize and hold individual meetings with potential donors whose companies are located in the local community and with owners whose companies are outside the city but originate from Veles. They will be offered a concrete opportunity to support specific initiatives that would emerge from the citizens at Info Meetings and public hearings, but also on current occurrences.

Nomination of companies for recognition of corporate social responsibility

The Foundation will follow good corporate social responsibility practices and will nominate them for recognitions awarded by domestic and foreign organizations and institutions.

Promotion and development of volunteering

Establishing volunteer practice

"Focus" will continue to engage volunteers for their organizational needs and for the realization of events and concrete actions. A volunteer base will be created which has volunteered to date in the Foundation and those who will volunteer with a precise record of the time spent in the Foundation. Interested citizens for volunteer practice will have the opportunity to spend some time in improving some of their skills (archiving, organizing events, preparing applications) and gaining experience. There will be positions for which citizens can apply. They will also be given the opportunity to volunteer the elderly.

Licensing for EVS

The Foundation will, in the current year, perform licensing in the European Voluntary Service (EVS) for guest, host and cross-sectoral organization of volunteer engagement in Macedonia. Conditions will be provided for hiring new volunteers for specific programs and positions, both in the civil sector and in the public sector.

Awarding acknowledgments for volunteering

Focus will mark the volunteer day on December 5th by awarding acknowledgments to all volunteers who were involved in Focus activities and have realized a number of volunteer hours for which Focus will keep records.